"LifeConnect Nagaland seeks to enable marginalized women

and families living in poverty and brokenness to experience the fullness of life in Christ"

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Empowering Marginalized Women in Nagaland.

Connect people to God, the source of all life by transforming hearts and homes!
Through the message of Jesus Christ.

Fullness In Christ Hope For All

About Us

Lifeconnect Nagaland is a Christian Organization that works with marginalized and vulnerable women to empower them towards spiritual, social, economic and emotional well-being. Our efforts are focused to ensure marginalized women live a life of dignity and help them to the fullest potential that God has given them.


As a ministry we have been working with unchurched people for the past many years and we have been filling in the gaps of providing spiritual care to the most vulnerable group of people in our own town.


Our focus area is a community where we observe a significant amount of injustice towards women and children due to alcoholic husbands. The people we work with are economically poor, with limited resources, socially vulnerable, and spiritually marginalized. There are also numerous alcohol-related businesses operating in this area, leading to injustices faced by families and the new generation growing up..

Recent Years

In recent years, LifeConnect has started reaching out to children as well as men-folk. Since most of the domestic violence stems from alcoholic husbands, we have plans of extending our ministry even to men which we believe will deal with the core issue of injustice to vulnerable women and children at the same time provide a safe space to spiritually rehabilitate menfolk as well.

LifeConnect Initiatives

Our Objectives

Towards Social, Economic, Spiritual and Emotional Well-being!

In an attempt to bring about meaningful changes in their lives, we have laid down few objectives.

The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.

  • To elevate women and girls as persons of worth.
  • To help them discover their gifts and talents.
  • Mentor young women and girls.
  • Provide opportunities for women to deepen their faith and experience       spiritual growth and renewal.
  • To challenge every women and girl to become an agent of change.
Join With Us

Our Vision

Our Vision is to connect people to God, the source of all life by transforming hearts and homes through the message of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to enable women and families living in poverty and brokenness to experience fullness of life, to live life to the fullest potential that God has given them.

Our Aim

LifeConnect also aims to nurture and encourage women to faithfully and fully use their God given talents to glorify God.


LifeConnect offers a suite of programs that enhance well-being, personal growth, and productivity, enabling individuals to live fulfilling, connected lives.

What we do?

Life Connect Videos.

Our outreach programs aim to connect with those facing challenges, providing support, resources, and a helping hand. Join us in building meaningful connections and making a difference in the lives of others.

Lets Change the world we all together, join us now as a volunteer